Aftenposten Aften/ Oslopuls

Phone interview by ?
Published: Aftenposten Aften/ Oslopuls
Translation by: Kuhn

Stina Nordenstam is a successful Swedish artist, but she prefers anonymity. Her energy and impatience are her strengths.

She has made an album that is about catastrophes and a collapsing world. Stina Nordentam named the record 'The World Is Saved'. By that she is of course referring to the time after the catastrophe. Since her 1991 debut 'Memories Of A Color', Stina has become internationally reknowned. This even though her private life is kept low key. The records speak for themselves. She had a difficult start on her life, and this has affected her relationship to the public ever since.


Q - How is it possible to protect your privacy when you're an artist?

- It has to do with the shock I experienced when I started. It's difficult to see yourself clearly. I didn't pay enough attention to what I did back then. It wasn't fake though it wasn't exactly what I wanted it to be. It is dangerous to limit a person's freedom - It gives me a sense of claustrophobia. That's why I despise television and wear a wig, she says on the phone from Stockholm.

Q - Are you a vulnerable person?

Yes, I guess so. I'm quite galled and do not have a lot of defence.Dream interpretation

Q - How does this affect how you write your tunes?

- I'm not conscious when I write. I'm not aware of what I'm doing. The consciousness is far behind the process itself. It's like dream interpretation. A linkage between the self biographical and fantasy.

Q - What inspires you?

- Not much. It's more of a introspective gaze of a process. Some things are intensifed, while other things are not there. The lyrics and the melody often come at the same time, and then I fine tune it afterwards.

Q - Are you a melodramatic person?

- Yes, [It is a] strong attraction in that direction. When I grew up and release the first record, I was plagued with depression. In the beginning, I found comfort in my voice, even though I really did not like it. [I] listened a lot to my records after I had been to the studio. The voice was put into the front of the mix. Self comfort is something strong and at the same time sad. I do not listed to my own records today. I'm less insecure. Today I feel impatience.

Q - What to do you do expect making music?

- When I was young I read books, but now I watch more movies and DVDs. However, Swedish films are something I have difficulties with. I watch every thriller, big American movies, Korean and Japanese movies, though not niche. That's more of a compliment. Otherwise, I'm really nearsighted, and prefer to live in the Present. My attention only lasts for a day's time. I've hard to look back and see the economical and political aspects of things.

Q - Is that a problem?

- I feel like I'm behind, and have no time for reflection. I've been busy with my absolute closeness. I'm a impatient and active person. I can start watching a movie, but one hour into the film I get impatient and want to do something else. A problem? No. That's life.