Stina Nordenstam

Interviewer Hidehumi Saima
Published: Crossbeat (Japan) January 2005
Translater Izumi Kurihara (with translate computer soft)

She is a singer in Sweden. Her unique voice and vocalization that it is invoked Bjork and Rickey well, The eccentric sound sense that swallowed electronica from a fork, And the lyrics which full of imagination and poetic. She showed talent of the one and only. She debut by Memories Of A Color which had a fragrance of jazz in 1991. She changed direction in a previous work on the basis of it again afterwards in the song center while considerably challenging the sound that was avant-garde. ?The World Is Saved? is 6th album. This work is written as "at last, first Japanese Edition for her" partly of writters. However, actually it is only 'This Is Stina Nordenstam' work that is not introduced in Japan.

She does not seem to like explaining it by words and she does neither live performance nor an interview; and of course have not visited Japan either. In other words it's Stina of the mark existence that a person to know knows in Japan. You should have more many people hear her beautiful songs. She said the interview over a telephone at first don't want to do. I told that there was it, and z series looked commonly. I was relieved.-Interviewer
This is a new work for the first time in three years, what kind of image did you make it with?

There is no concrete ideas. While I can always go so ahead, I harden in depths psychology. I do not make it for some intention during recording.I just make it. I assign a focus to a feeling of a point in time when I wrote the music and make it basically. Even if I made a work how many, I do new discovery in the degree. I always finish the work when I think that is complete. However, I do not understand whether this is a really splendid work afterworks. But, I think that I make a work to be able to be proud of.

You appointed Tchad Blake as mixture once again. I think that it is good that he expresses a delicate sound. Is work with him easy to do it?

Yes. He is wonderful for a human being for works. I think that I worked twice together when it is only him. I always work with a different person basically. different persons, different studios, different countries...I always need different things. But, Tchad is special. I was going to completely make this album alone at first. But, I felt that help of the other people who upset something was necessary. When I listend to tracks mixed by Tchad, I am shocked. Because, he changed it into my hoped. but, it was completely overturned from original form, I was shocked again(laughing). The work continued for about 2 weeks. I was considerably hard(laughing).

As for this album, I feel that you sing the world becoming worse. But, I never felt despair from these songs. Do you think that there is the saving in this world still more?

I don't know there is any saving. But, at least there is hope. And, Getting hopes make pains are reduced. It is important to accept a pain by a restored process. We must not forget hopes.

What kind of music brought up your world feeling and sense?

I think that I have already had it from childhood. Making something, upsetting something and changing something... There was already those kind of originality from a child. Musically...well, originally my voice is such a thing too. I heard my voice well only after I made the first album. I belonged to a chorus till then, but the consciousness did not last for my voice. My music is formed by my voice.

What is a thing becoming a driving force of your music expression?

I always have a strong desire for creative...It is difficult to explain...The thing which is necessary for me. There are no anymore reasons.

You do not do a live performance. why?

There are some reasons. At first, I think that it is wrong to reproduce the thing which cut a record as a CD on live performance. In the first place live performance and a studio album are things of totally another dimension. I think singers doing live performance that is near to an entertainer or an actor. Most of singers like to do live performance, but I am not interested in live performance.

You are always compared with Bjork. Bjork becomes the driving force that scientific research feeling makes music. however, you do not have that kind of thing at all. I think you are instinctive. How about a fact?

You're right. well, I think that Bjork is a human being of a diplomatic type. It would become a pillar of artistry for her to deepen interchange with a lot of people. And she seems to like live performance, too. She and I are human beings of a totally different type. I like one opposite to oneself. I don't have the desire that to want to send it to to the world than Bjork.

You collaborated with Brett before. why?

His voice is unique. I wanted voice like him. Thus I asked it to participate in him. I was uneasy because he is so famous singer. But, He is very nice. I did recording with a good mood. He is the person who can change singing t